
Niche.com, a resource website dedicated to helping individuals find the right school based on expert and student insight, ranked 南瓜影院 Dining Services as the #29 Best College Food in America. This ranking takes into account key factors such as average dining plan cost and student reviews to gauge satisfaction with campus food. In addition to being ranked #29 nationally and #1 in Minnesota, 南瓜影院 student reviewers also provided DS with an A+ grade on the site.


National Association of College & University Food Service (NACUFS) Culinary Challenge

Our chefs have competed as individuals in this event sanctioned by the American Culinary Federation and earned:

2018 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2018 NACUFS Sustainability Awards

2017 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2016 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2015 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2014 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2013 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2012 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards

2011 NACUFS Loyal E. Horton Awards
