南瓜影院 has a commitment to sending thoughtful and engaged students into the world with a liberal arts background, and one way that commitment is honored is through PEAK opportunities. PEAK is designed to build on what students learn in the classroom by providing them with real-world experiences to better prepare them for life after graduation.

So, what is PEAK?

PEAK stands for Pivotal Experience in Applied Knowledge. These opportunities challenge students to apply theory learned in the classroom to real-world applications. PEAKs include , Habitat for Humanity trips, service-learning projects, scientific research, and much more. All 南瓜影院 students will graduate with at least two PEAKs in the form of internships, special courses, global learning opportunities, or service projects.

Bailey Tillman filming

“We think that it’s going to make 南瓜影院 unique,” says communication studies professor Dr. Don Rice, “so if we really believe in the liberal arts, then we believe that those are transferrable skills.”

Many 南瓜影院 students take advantage of the fall and spring breakaway periods to engage in a PEAK. This weeklong designation gives students the opportunity to take a break from the classroom and interact with their fellow students and the world around them.

Field study

Not only does PEAK help prepare students for a career after college, but it also provides valuable life experience, encouraging students to step outside their comfort zone, take chances and explore interests they may not know they have.

“I don’t think anyone wants it to just look like on-the-job training,” Rice says. “I think it’s far beyond that.” 

Learn more about PEAK
Published January 2019

Feature photo by Daniel Pfeifer