Join the campus community for discussions on the topic of food in 2020’s all-virtual symposium, “Food for Good.”
The topic of food is increasingly complex – especially as we become more distant from the sources of food. Feeding the world and caring for the environment at the same time is difficult.
Everyone eats. Gathering around the topic of food brings community as well as opportunities to engage diverse perspectives. Food cultures have deep roots, rich heritages, and increasing diversity, but also inherent controversies associated with eating in a changing world.
Speakers include:
• Kwame Onwuachi, author of “Notes From a Young Black Chef” and award-winning chef
• Jonathan Bloom, journalist, consultant, and thought leader on the topic of food waste, and author of the book “American Wasteland”
• Amy Thielen, cook, two-time James Beard Award-winning writer and former host of the Food Network’s “Heartland Table”
• Andrea Baumgardner, the Baum in BernBaum’s bagel shop and restaurant in Fargo, graduate of San Francisco’s California Culinary Academy, and 2020 semifinalist for Best Chef: Midwest from the James Beard Foundation
• Sharon M. Day, Ojibwe, a writer, playwright, and water walker, and the executive director of the Indigenous Peoples Task Force
• Dr. Amy Kircher, senior advisor of the Food Protection and Defense Institute (FPDI), a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence
• Daniel Klein, former chef and director and producer behind the two-time James Beard Award-winning online documentary series “The Perennial Plate,” 170+ sustainable food stories from around the world
Jonathan Rutter, executive director and curator of The Rourke Art Gallery + Museum in Moorhead, is the juror for the “Food Matters” art exhibit (available for off-campus viewers by appointment).
Pre-recorded, on-demand presentations by several members of the faculty and staff are available for viewing Sept. 22. Presentations are by Jackie Maahs, sustainability coordinator; Kevin Baggett, librarian; Dr. George Connell, professor of philosophy; Dr. Mark Krejci, professor of psychology; Theresa Borchert, electronic resources librarian; and alumnus Rick Melbye ’84, Pharm.D., R.Ph. They’ll discuss topics such as GMOs, Louisiana’s signature dish – gumbo, taste preferences, and a Catholic perspective on food.
The full schedule is available at ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº