The Region IV Minnesota Social Services Association's (MSSA) board awarded senior Alison Przybilla the Student of the Year Award at its fall virtual conference. The outstanding student award recognizes a student who routinely demonstrates their ability to excel.

When considering candidates, MSSA board members' criteria include the grade point average, if the student routinely performs at an excellent level, demonstrates their desire and commitment to work in the health and human service profession, and is valued by peers and advisors.

Upon receiving this award, Pryzbilla will be sent on in the process for consideration of a statewide Student of the Year Award to be presented at the spring conference held in the Twin Cities.

“Coming into college, I knew social work was where my heart was set for my career, but I never expected to become so passionate about it within just four years at ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº,” said Pryzbilla. “I have had the honor of learning from and alongside some amazing people who have taught me so much about the profession. I am grateful for the experiences the social work program has afforded me and this chance to represent Region IV.