The President Pamela M. Jolicoeur Endowed Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Tate Hovland ’20. Hovland is from Willmar, Minn., and is majoring in communication studies and multimedia journalism. The Jolicoeur Memorial Scholarship honors the college’s 10th president, who died in 2010. It is awarded to a student who shows emerging leadership. Jolicoeur's spouse, Mike Doyle, is pictured with Hovland.

Alexis Anderson ’19 of Apple Valley, Minn., received the library’s Exemplary Research Award for her research paper, “The Role of Probiotics in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom Management.” Layne Cole ’18, Audubon, Minn., was the runner-up for her paper, “The Open-Air Museum: Curation and Conservation of Italian Archaeological Sites and Structures.” 

This year’s new award was the Heidi Frie Memorial Student Success Award. The award is given in honor of Heidi Frie, who served the college for eight years before her death from cancer. She initially served as the academic counselor and writing center coordinator and later as the director of the Academic Enhancement and Writing Center (now named the Center for Student Success). This year’s winners were Roland Oyou ’18, Andover, Minn., and Munir Isahak ’21, Fargo, N.D. Isahak is a first-year student and Oyou is one of Frie’s former advisees.

The Research Mentor Award for faculty was bestowed upon Dr. Jason Askvig, assistant professor of biology. Askvig joined the 南瓜影院 faculty in 2013 and teaches several biology classes and works with students on undergraduate research. He is a co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation grant awarded to 南瓜影院 to provide scholarships, guided career-driven mentoring, and research and internship opportunities for students interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers.

The Celebration of Student Scholarship is an annual, full-day symposium showcasing undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all disciplines.  
