Twenty-two members of the faculty and staff retired during the 2021-22 academic year. They have a combined total of 608 years. Honored retirees include:
Anita Brandenburg, Cobber Kids, 27 years
Dr. Dan Breedon, Music, 47 years
Dr. Richard Chapman, History, 32 years
Dr. Laurie Dahley, Social Work, 17 years
Heidi Goldberg, Art, 27 years
Peggy Goodman, ITS, 26 years
Jon Gunderson, Facilities Management, 14 years
Peter Halverson, Music, 39 years
Joel V. Hanson, CLV Facilities, 26 years
Daryl A. Johnson, Facilities, 18 years
Richard W. Jorgensen, Facilities Management, 26 years
Dr. Albert Kagan, Offutt School of Business, 12 years
Paul A. King, Facilities Management, 20 years
David J. Klug, Athletics, 32 years
Larry A. Kvalvog, Facilities Management, 28 years
Debra J. Langseth, Facilities Management, 22 years
Barbara Martin, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº, 18 years
Mary Olek, CSTA and English, 35 years
Dr. Larry Papenfuss, Advancement, 28 years
Donna M. Preston, Facilities Management, 38 years
Dr. Mary Rice, World Languages and Cultures (Spanish), 34 years
Philip H. Thompsen, ITS, 42 years

(From left) first row: Anita Brandenburg, Dan Breedon, Richard Chapman, Laurie Dahley, Peggy Goodman, Peter Halverson
second row: Heidi Goldberg, Daryl Johnson, Paul King, Dave Klug, Larry Kvalvog, Barb Martin
third row: Mary Olek, Larry Papenfuss, Philip Thompsen, Donna Preston, Mary Rice