Lorna (Ringdahl) Halaas ’79 is the first-ever female bishop for the Western Iowa Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

The Western Iowa Synod in the western one-third of Iowa has nearly 50,000 members in 124 congregations and is one of 65 ELCA synods in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

Prior to pursuing her Master of Divinity degree at United Theological Seminary and Luther Seminary, both St. Paul, Minn., Halaas worked as a resource specialist for the ELCA/Augsburg Fortress publishers in Minneapolis.

A North Dakota native and Minot High School graduate, Halaas served many years as the director of Christian education at First Lutheran in Minot and First Lutheran in Sioux Falls, S.D. Halaas also served at Gloria Dei and Faith Lutheran congregations in Williston, N.D., First Lutheran in Hoople, N.D., and Hope Lutheran in Sioux Center, Iowa.

Prior to being elected bishop, Halaas was assistant to the bishop of the Western Iowa Synod for a six-year term.

Now she’s in the unusual position of having a worldwide pandemic occur during her first year as bishop.

“These have been amazing days with marvelous conversations and stories of creative ways to do ministry in the midst of a pandemic,” Halaas said. “The pastors in this synod are innovative and resourceful, hardworking and faithful as they care for those in their community.”

“There are long days with much to do ... there is grief ... there is exhaustion ... and yet there is always hope,” she added.


Photo courtesy of Sioux City Journal by Tim Hynds, Copyright 2019