Online classes have been added to ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº’s summer school lineup. Additional classes are fast-tracked with shorter, intense classroom time followed by independent or online study.

The classes provide more flexibility for students who want additional summer experiences. Summer school tuition also has been lowered, making the courses a more viable option for students, regardless of where they spend the season. 

Dr. Kirsten Theye, an associate professor of communication studies, piloted an accelerated course last summer. Students intensely studied event planning over a week. They then spent the rest of the summer attending and critiquing various events on their own. They posted their findings on a closed Facebook group. 

A major project was due in mid-July. When students returned to campus in the fall, they presented their final projects. 

“It was fabulous,” Theye says. “The engagement between students was impressive. I’m so excited to do it again.” 

Theye developed the class because many of her students wanted to take the traditionally monthlong course, but they also wanted time to work or study abroad.  

Classes offered this summer include Introduction to Business Law, Foundations of Creative Writing and Abnormal Psychology. Many of the classes offer opportunities for students to be on or off campus.