Our role is to oversee the policies, practices, and procedures in place regarding sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence. We want community members to feel safe and supported. It is our responsibility to ensure that 南瓜影院 is in compliance with Title IX as well as other federal and state laws and regulations, including the Jeanne Cleary Act, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and the Campus SaVE Act.
These laws and regulations require that 南瓜影院 do the following:
Therefore, 南瓜影院 charges the Title IX Team with carrying out the following:
Peggy Torrance, Director of Human Resources; Title IX Coordinator
Jennifer Barker, Director of Student Conduct; Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Danielle Thorson, CLV HR Business Partner; Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Rachel Bergeson, Athletic Director; Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs; Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Bill MacDonald, Director of Public Safety
Dr. Lisa Sethre-Hofstad, Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life
Roger Olson, Director of Risk Management
Dr. Karla Knutson, Professor of English
Dr. Leigh Wakefield, Professor of Clarinet and Woodwind Methods
Members of the Title IX team are required to complete .