Students can manage their accounts through , a secure online billing system. Through TouchNet, students can view their billing statements, make payments, set up a monthly payment plan, store payment methods, and designate authorized users. Billing notices are sent via e-mail and fees are due the 15th of each month.

Department employees and student organizations can refer to (in Cobbernet) for College financial policies as well as Business Office forms, procedures, and the vendor search function. 

Highlights for Students

Before registering for your course(s), you are required to review the  and accept the agreement through CobberNet during the online registration process.

Students and parents can find information on Tax Benefits for Education and the 1098-T tax form by viewing Publication 970 on the . ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº's 1098-T forms will be mailed by Jan. 31 or may be retrieved electronically earlier in January by going to .

Be sure to contact the Business Office with any questions or for more information.