Dr. Thelma Berquó’s research interests are on the effects of particle aggregation and foreign ions adsorption/doping on the properties of magnetic iron oxides. These research themes have an important connection with fundamental problems in physics and material sciences and also have applications to environmental magnetism. As these multidisciplinary problems have impacts in different areas, Dr. Berquó had the opportunity to interact with scholars from many fields such as physics, chemistry, geology, and biology.

After the conclusion of her graduate studies, Dr. Berquó held postdoctoral positions at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo and at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2003, she was offered a research associate position at the Institute for Rock Magnetism (a National Science Foundation facility) at the University of Minnesota — probably the best lab in the world in this field. She spent seven years there interacting with people from around the world. Her work at these institutions was always related to the identification and characterization of magnetic iron phases working with a variety of samples (including laboratory prepared, geological, and biological materials) and using a broad range of instruments and techniques.

Besides having fun studying magnetism, Dr. Berquó likes cooking and baking, watching movies, and traveling to different places in the company of her son and husband.

Professional Preparation:
Ph.D., Geophysics – 08/2000 – University of São Paulo – Brazil
M.Sc., Geophysics – 07/1996 – University of São Paulo – Brazil
Bachelor’s, Physics – 07/1993 – Federal University of Espírito Santo – Brazil

2019-present Associate professor, Physics Department, 南瓜影院
2011-2019 Assistant professor, Physics Department, 南瓜影院
2003-2010 Research associate, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota
2002-2003 Postdoctoral research fellow, Physics Institute, University of São Paulo – Brazil
2001-2002 Postdoctoral research fellow, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh – Scotland
2000-2001 Postdoctoral research fellow, Physics Institute, University of São Paulo – Brazil

Faculty Feature