
DNP, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Concentration: Education
DNP Clinical Project: A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Pain Assessment and Management in the Nursing Home Setting

MS, Nursing, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks
Concentrations: Rural Health Nursing and Administration
Thesis: The Influence of Motor Vehicle Accidents on Seat Belt Restraint Usage in a Rural State

BAN, Nursing, Jamestown College, Jamestown, N.D.


Gerontology, Oncology, End of Life Care, Hospice Care Administration, Kidney Transplantation, Critical Care, Hemodialysis       

Scholarship (2013-present):

Rydell, J. & DeJong, J. (April 30-May 1, 2015). Poster Presentation: “Interdisciplinary Case-Study Events for Dietetics, Education, Exercise Science, Health Care Administration, Nursing and Social Work Students: Enhancing Effective Communication Between Disciplines”. 2015 Sanford Nursing Symposium: Advancing Nursing Practice — Adapting to the Changing Health Care Landscape with Resiliency, Sanford Health.

Winner, Gallery of Nursing Excellence Poster Presentation Award, Nursing Research Category.

Rydell, J. & DeJong, J. (Feb. 10-13, 2015). Poster Presentation: “Interdisciplinary Case-Study Events for Dietetics, Education, Exercise Science, Health Care Administration, Nursing and Social Work students: Enhancing Effective Communication Between Disciplines.” Empowering Curiosity: Third Annual Nursing Research Showcase 2015: Sanford Medical Center, Fargo, N.D.

Rydell, J. (2014, February). Podium Presentation. “Faith and End of Life Decisions.” Featured speaker, Lorentzsen Center for Faith and Work Lecture and Luncheon, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº.

Rydell, J. (January 14-18, 2013). Poster Presentation: “Assessment of Evidence-Based Nursing Education Needs in Long-Term Care.”  First Annual Nursing Research Showcase: Investigating New Knowledge, Sanford Health. 

Rydell, J. (January 14-18, 2013). Poster Presentation: “A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Pain Assessment and Management in the Nursing Home Setting.” First Annual Nursing Research Showcase: Investigating New Knowledge, Sanford Health.

Professional Memberships:

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Xi-Kappa Chapter At-Large Nursing Honor Society (Member)

American Nurses Association (Member)

North Dakota Nurses Association (Member)


Gardening and yard work
Habitat for Humanity volunteer